Since I have written blog posts on different platforms that are hosted in various environments (and also to try something new in D3), the graph below gives an overview of my posts per description (vertical axis) and category (clour) and provides a link to the blog post. The blog posts are mostly written to track my personal progress in D3 (& HTML & CSS & JavaScript & ...) and Tableau and are related to work I created for the #IVMOOC and #KnightD3 MOOC courses, as I thought it would be interesting (especially for later review) to keep track of my progress. Since I finished those courses I am posting visualizations of personal projects and potentially other courses or self-studies, as well as personal exploration and development.
Based on the screensize of your device you may have to scroll the graph from left to right to see older posts. Hovering over one of the boxes will show a tooltip with the post title. The most recent posts are shown on the left side of the graph. Clicking on one of the coloured boxes will open the post in your browser (hold ctrl on Windows or command on Mac to open in a new window).